
Emirate Milling
Company Ltd

About us


Foods for local
and Overseas

Contact us


Animal Feed
and Live stocks

Contact us


To excellence
and innovation

Book Appointment

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Our product

Quality is the cornerstone of our operations


At Emirate Mills we practice standards in production

Core activities

Manufacturing of various food products


Integrity, excellence, and innovation

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5 +

Years of

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Emirates Mils

Introducing Emirate Milling Company Ltd

We are a dynamic and forward-thinking company with a strong commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of food production and manufacturing.

vegetable oils

food products

Our diverse product range includes high-quality edible vegetable oils, food products, and more. We take pride in offering trusted brands and categories that have gained the confidence of our valued customers.

Finished products


Soil Re-Bulding


Quality is the cornerstone of our operations

Contact us

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Emirate Milling Company Ltds


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edible vegetable oil

Meets the highest standards of quality and purity

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Pests And Weeds

The laying out and care plot ground devoted partially or wholly.

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Soil Marking &

The laying out and care plot ground devoted partially or wholly.

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Work Process

Our Easy Work Process

Ready To Plant

Lorem Ipsum is simply to free
dumy text the pricing

Soil Fil Tering

Lorem Ipsum is simply to free
dumy text the pricing

Garden Design

Lorem Ipsum is simply to free
dumy text the pricing

Using Soil Medic

Lorem Ipsum is simply to free
dumy text the pricing

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Our Testimonilas

People Say About Us

There are many variations of passages of available, but the majority
have suffered alteration in some form by injected randomised.

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“ There are many variations of passages of available at but the majority have suffered alteration in some atlok form, by injected randomised words which koiu layio don’t look even slightly believable avialabalo ore a do psum is a simply to free dumy to text the pricing.”

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Robert Smith

Ceo & Founder

5.0 Out of 3

“ There are many variations of passages of available at but the majority have suffered alteration in some atlok form, by injected randomised words which koiu layio don’t look even slightly believable avialabalo ore a do psum is a simply to free dumy to text the pricing.”

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Robert Smith

Ceo & Founder

5.0 Out of 3

“ There are many variations of passages of available at but the majority have suffered alteration in some atlok form, by injected randomised words which koiu layio don’t look even slightly believable avialabalo ore a do psum is a simply to free dumy to text the pricing.”

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Robert Smith

Ceo & Founder

5.0 Out of 3

“ There are many variations of passages of available at but the majority have suffered alteration in some atlok form, by injected randomised words which koiu layio don’t look even slightly believable avialabalo ore a do psum is a simply to free dumy to text the pricing.”

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Robert Smith

Ceo & Founder

5.0 Out of 3